All Of Our Work Is Backed By Our Guarantee Not To Chip, Flake, Peel Or Wear Out, Within A Period of A 12, 24, 36 or 48 Month Warranty From Time Of Installation.
Extruder Gearbox Repair, Faulk Gearbox Repair, Gearbox Repair, Industrial Gear box Repair, Industrial Gearbox Repair, PPG Works
Extruder Gearbox Repair, Faulk Gearbox Repair, Gearbox Repair, Industrial Gear box Repair, Industrial Gearbox Repair, PPG Works
Industrial Gear box Repair, Industrial Gearbox Repair, PPG Works
Industrial Gear box Repair, Industrial Gearbox Repair, PPG Works
As well as repairing the very latest energy efficient Gearboxes from world leading manufacturers (Flender/Siemens, Renold, Bonfiglioli, falk, krauss maffei, Gloucester, lufkin, Davis standard, Parvalux, SEW, David Brown, Lenze, Nord, Dodge and Brevini), PPG can save you up to 60% from O.E.M offering a comprehensive and high quality support service, including:
Complete Inspections
Gear Manufacturing
Preparation of Gearboxes for long-term storage
Reconditioning (24-month warranty)
all work is carried out to the manufacturer’s original specification, using genuine spare parts where possible – or reverse engineering replacement components where needed. We inspect and test everything thoroughly before we return it back to you
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We can repair all types of gears such as steel, cast iron, bronze gears, brass and warm gears. Including, but not limited to, these brands:
As a supplier of goods and services to the industry nationwide, Precision Pump and Gear Works is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as we have been for over 25 years. As your equipment ages, the various wear surfaces can develop ridges, grooves, or flat spots from normal usage. That’s when a call to PPG should be made, before the small problems become major. After working with hundreds of customers and virtually every imaginable type of wearing equipment, we run our business so that we can fulfill our customers needs. I